April 2019
For the sake of consistency, here’s another monthly update:
Recently I’ve been having doubts about my career path. I feel a bit stagnant, like I’m trying to climb a smooth rock-face. Some days, when an audition comes in, it feels great. The proverbial ball gets rolling and the ingrained Roman-Catholic guilt subsides for a bit. Heck, some weeks there will even be MULTIPLE auditions in the SAME WEEK. But for every one of those, there’s about 3-4 weeks in between where nothing is happening. I’m feeling cynical about taking acting workshops, though I know they’re really the only thing you can do at this stage–aside from producing your own work. And on that topic–producing your own material–the market feels as saturated as ever. Obviously technology has created platforms for everyone to be their own auteur now, but this is a double edged sword. The more opportunity, the more participants, the harder it is to standout. Yadda, yadda…